Emotional Wellness

Emotional wellness is an important factor in healthy living.  Some stress is good, however when we begin feeling overwhelmed and overworked we can begin to feel overstressed.

We all have different techniques to reduce stress.  However, if what you usually do isn’t working, try the following suggestions.

  • Get proper rest.  It is recommended that you get at least seven to eight hours of sleep per night.
  • Eat healthy and nutritious foods.  Cutting down on sugar and salt can help.
  • Exercise, meditation and other forms of relaxation will lessen your anxiety and stress as well as maintain mental and physical fitness.  Walking is cheap and it helps in feeling good.
  • Recognize your strengths and do what you do best.  Volunteer work and assisting others can help in reducing stress.
  • Accepting help from others is healthy. 
  • Laugh more and find good company for conversation and other activities.
  • Seek assistance from your EAP or other mental health professional if these suggestions or your regular methods for reducing stress is not working for you.