EAPA GNO June Meeting

Psychopharmacology for EAP and Mental Health Professionals

Presented by

Charles Billings, MD

Chronically Ill Employee in the Workplace

Eracism: Improving Race Relations

Presented by

William Knecht, BCSW

June 6, 2008

12:00 – 4:00 p.m.
West Jefferson Behavioral Medical Center

229 Bellmeade Blvd

Gretna, LA

For Directions call 391-2440

Or Click Here For Map

Lunch will be provided

$10 for non-members

There will be a drawing for ½ off EAPA membership or renewal

Please RSVP by June 4th, Noon, to Scott Embley semble@lsuhsc.edu, or lunch cannot be guaranteed.