Message from Stan Denton

I hope this finds everyone and their families well. I am sorry that there has been such a slow response with updateing our website. I am sure you can understand how challenging it has been just to move the LSUHSC system to Baton Rouge and reestablish an EAP for our system.

I have been in contact with John Maynard and Katie Borkowski at the International EAPA office. They have been a tremindous support and have provided us with some excellent resources on their EAPA website. National has established EAPs assisting EAPs, News & Resources and have also posted handouts for all of us to use. I encourage you to go to the EAPA web site at

I have located Renso, our web manager in Chicago. He has made the EAPA/GNO Forums / Boards section of this web site open to anyone. I am encouraging everyone to make use of this service. Post information on what resources you need AND please look at other postings and see if you can help your EAP collegue in another area of the state.